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周末逛精品店時有看到ANGELCARE AC1200 Video - Movement & Sound Monitor for Smartphone 嬰兒呼吸動態感應監視器




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Angelcare AC1200

  • WIFI 與 網路 監視功能

  • 嬰兒動態感應功能 (20秒 無動態警報器)?

  • 彩色影像監視功能?

  • 立體聲超清晰監聽功能?

  • 攝影照相及音樂播放功能?

  • 雙向對講功能?

  • 觸控 LCD 螢幕方便操作?

  • 紅外線夜視功能?

  • 榮獲多項國際 Awards 設計大獎?

  • 總代理公司貨保固一年

  • 媽咪拜 門市



這產品並非成人監督之替代品,必須定期監視嬰兒的活動情況,對早產或是敏認為有潛在問題的嬰兒應在醫生或專業醫療人員的指導下才可使用監測器。感應板和感應線並不會有電流通過或是散發出任何帶有輻射的能量。 嬰兒機只會發出極低能量的無線電波,這些無限電波並不會構成任何危險。?

此研究由國家兒童醫學中心(Children’s National Medical Center)蒙瑞秋博士所領導,她強調家中若有不足四個月大的嬰兒,與父母同睡時千萬要注意,另外家長也要當心,確保嬰兒睡覺時周圍沒有其他東西,如枕頭或玩具。?
這項研究調查 2004~2012 年間 8,000 例因睡眠導致的嬰兒猝死症,其中有接近 70%的猝死發生在與父母同睡時,另外有 1/3 與嬰兒床上的物品有關。研究發現,未滿四個月的嬰兒最可能猝死的原因是與父母同床睡,主要是因為當其他人在床上移動時,這些嬰兒沒有能力改變自己的頭或姿勢避免窒息。?


Angelcare AC1200


Why this monitor?
The newmomo歡樂谷 Angelcare Video Movement & Sound monitor for Smartphone goes where no baby monitor has gone before. This monitor does everything you’d expect from Angelcare baby monitors – and a whole lot more. The breakthrough feature: now, you can watch your baby no matter where you are in the world! All you need is a Smartphone (iPhone or Android), a Tablet or iPad and you can share a special moment with your baby whether you are across town or in the room next door. The new Angelcare monitor for Smartphone also has internal communication via Wireless Access Point, which turns the Nursery Unit into a router, so you don’t need an Internet connection.


  • Under-the-Mattress Movement Sensor Pad
    The Sensor Pad is equipped with baby movement detectors and will sound an alarm if your baby stops moving for more than 20 seconds. Sensor Pad sensitivity is adjustable.*

  • Adjustable HD Infrared Camera (Day & Night Vision)
    The infrared camera on the baby video monitor can even stream video in the dark, so you can see what’s happening in the nursery without disturbing baby’s sleep. Position your baby video monitor for the perfect view – and safely out your child’s reach. Moms and dads love this feature, especially since it helps create a safe sleep environment as your child reaches new milestones and becomes more curious.

  • Nursery Night Light
    A gentle little glow to guide you when you walk into baby’s room.

  • 2-Way Talk-Back Feature
    Use this baby monitor like a walkie-talkie and reassure your baby with the soothing sound of your voice.

  • Wi-Fi Internet Communication
    You can take it anywhere there is a Wi-Fi connection so you can create special moments to share almost anywhere.

  • Internal Communication via Wireless Access Point
    No Internet connection required at home.

  • Up to 4 simultaneous users on the same camera
    Possibility of 4 users connected at the same time, from anywhere in the world! To provide parents with greater privacy and control, each user has an individual connection and needs parent consent to stay connected.

  • Take a photo or video
    Create memories to cherish and share of your child’s quiet moments, new milestones and delightful curiosity.

  • Secure configuration for better privacy
    For added reassurance about your privacy, this monitor features a secure connection to Wi-Fi through QR scanning, as well as through “guest management”.

  • Facebook or email login
    You can choose to log in using your Facebook or Angelcare account for easy access.

  • Adjustable Movement Pad Sensitivitymomo購物台
    Allows you to select your desired movement sensitivity level.


  • Play lullabies
    You can play lullabies from your smartphone to the camera.

*Note: The Sensor Pad can be used with a regulatory standard baby mattress, whatever the size or thickness. However, it cannot be used with a memory foam mattress, a dual sided, a mattress with a hollow frame or a Purflo mattress.

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